Saturday, December 26, 2015

Digital Travel Luggage Scale

Digital Travel Luggage Scale
You can find it Here.
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Luggage scales. Almost a necessity these days if you travel by air. The absolutely outrageous prices the airlines charge for bags is ridiculous. Not to mention overweight bags! Aint none got time for that... or the extra cash. Lets face it. If we had the extra cash to pay the fee we probably wouldn't be flying standard leg cramping, armpit smelling coach. Anyway, on to the scale...

This is a nice little scale. It is pretty basic. Not that you really need many different functions when simply weighing a bag. You turn it on, strap it to a bag, and lift. The strap is approximately 10 inches in length give or take an inch or two because I didn't actually measure it. The strap and the buckle are good quality. The digital readout is nice and clear. However, that is where the quality stops. The plastic handle is made of a cheaper plastic and doesn't seem like it will stand the test of time. So when traveling with this scale it would be best to wrap it up and keep it protected. Leaving it in a front pocket or unprotected could leave it vulnerable to damage. Especially with how rough airlines can be. 

The one thing I didn't like on this scale was that the readout is opposite of the writing on the handle. It has no effect on the function of the scale. It is just one of those little details people pay attention to. So if you are holding the unit in your hand with the writing on the handle facing you, the readout will be facing away from you. 

The current price of this scale is $13 on Amazon. Based on the quality and functionality of the scale I say that price point is right on. 

I was provided this scale at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. My reviews are based on my opinions, having the item in hand and personally using it. I have no relationship with the seller.

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