Lorelei's Lyric by D.B. Sieders
You may find a review and about the author Here.
I find my self wanting more. And that is a good thing! I got this as an e-book. Which I was a little worried about because I find that unless I make a solid point of getting onto the laptop I wont come back to read an e-book. This wasn't even an issue with this book. It is a quick and easy read. This is my first mermaid read, and my first elemental read (earth, fire, water....) You can tell right away that this is not going to be a book for the kids. It has a strong feeling of sexual tension building up from the get go.
The story starts out with Lorelei and a guy in a suggestive situation and then jumps to the past where it dives into their background and history. And the story goes on from there. The very beginning started out as a almost unusual combination for me. It was highly sexually suggestive and then jumped into an almost child like fun and banter with sexual suggestions between young (500 year old) old mermaids. Lorelei and her intriguing cast of characters took me till the end of the first chapter to be hooked. From there on I was glued to the screen. From her sister and her whining about the pollution, to Vance and his addiction/recovery to Bruce and his fun attitude, you will be in love with each and every one of them. There is just enough magic, fun, sexual suggesting/tension to be the perfect paranormal romance story.
I am really looking forward to another book in the series and there are enough characters with room to grow that this could really take off and turn into quite a few books. I had never heard of this author before but you can bet that from now on D.B. Sieders will be on my short list of authors to keep an eye on for upcoming books! I was provided this book at a discount for my honest review. These are my opinions having actually read the book.
Thank you so much for the wonderful review! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I promise there will be more books :)